Thursday 21 July 2011

Getting to Australia

Hello all! I know I kept saying that I wouldn’t keep a blog but I changed my mind. I don’t know if I’ll update as frequently as Ben but I will try to be consistent. WARNING TO READERS: I have questionable spelling and mediocre grammar. 
To begin my blog about my time in Australia, I would like to tell you how I came to be in Australia. I knew that it was going to be a long day of traveling when my flight to L.A was delayed. I was only slightly perturbed as I still had plenty of time to get to my 11:30 pm flight to Melbourne. After finally getting on a plane, we were than removed from said plane a half hour later as the engine may have been “vibrating” and it was not deemed safe. I had arrived at the airport at noon and by 6:30, after 4 1/2 hours of delays, I was on a flight to L.A. My bad luck continued in L.A.X as my baggage was misplaced on another carousal and I had trouble catching the bus I needed to take to the other side of the airport. When I finally thought luck was back on my side, I was informed that I did not have ticket to Australia. For any of my friends that may read this: don’t EVER book tickets from After an hour of calls and general anxiety, I was presented with a ticket. I was now sitting in premium economy, which was amazing and I really enjoyed the service, but everyone else on my group flight was sitting together. Having a ticket calmed me down but I still needed to make it through security. Once again, bad luck was on my side and I was pulled aside by security. At 11, I was finally at my boarding area. I handed in my ticket and....was pulled to the side for a random security check. I had no idea I looked that suspicious. 
All in all it was a very stressful day but I like to think that my program will be even more amazing because of it. My mindset is that this is the yang to my ying. Out of the bad, only good will come. Also, now that I am no longer living it, this was one of the funniest days I’ve ever had. 
Also, when I send out emails for one of the school groups I’m involved with we sign with three words or things we are currently thinking about about. I’m going to keep that going so;
new friends, psychology, cloud formations,

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