Tuesday 23 August 2011

The Little Things

For the past 3 weeks, my friends and I have been having getting together every Friday to watch Jersey Shore, a T.V show that is ridiculous in all ways. As the internet is slow, we spend all day downloading it to watch. Every week, more and more of our Australian friends join us to watch it. Through the show, I learned some small but interesting tidbits about Australians.
Food wise, Australians don't really eat pickles out of the jar. Its not a popular thing to do and most Australians that I have talked to connect pickles with Mcdonalds burgers (Mackers). I originally thought they were kidding and decided to set out to buy a jar of pickles to snack on. Low and behold, the supermarket only had two different types of pickles. Compared to the states, it was a sad showing.
Another small difference that we discovered was that it is not a big thing to eat chocolate covered pretzels. Most thought the combination sounded weird. There are also no bagels here. None. They just don't have them. Also, no Reese's or Gold Fish.
Continuing with food, Australians also seem to really love schnitzel. LOVE. It's everywhere. People are constantly going out for schnitzel burgers, Subway offers a schnitzel burger and it just seems to be ingrained in everyones diets. Meat pies are a popular snack, along with Timtams (possibly the greatest chocolate snack on earth). If there was every a reason not to leave Australia, that would be it.

I'm going to bed but before I do:

More words:
candy= lollies
pharmacy= chemist
q-tips= ear buds

sinus infection, earrings, shampoo

Wednesday 10 August 2011

It's Been Awhile

This post is going to be a little haphazard:

Last Saturday, friends and I went to a rugby game. It was the Sharks (go sharkies!) against the Titans. We took the train to Cronulla, went to the game, and then went out for drinks in Miranda, a Sydney suburb, afterwards. I really enjoyed the game and hope to get to another one in the future. 

The Saturday before that (July 30th), my friends and I went into Sydney for the day. We took the train into the city and spent the day site seeing. The Opera House was just as pretty as I imagined it would be and we walked across the Harbor Bridge. 

I was pretty sick this morning so I skipped my one class of the day and will probably go to K-mart in a bit. Unfortunately, its not warm enough this week to go to the beach. My friends and I are also buying our tickets for our spring break trip to Bali later today. For some reason, writing isn't coming very easily to me right now. I'm gonna try to add more later. Good night to everyone in the states!

Words that I may be using all the time when I get back to the states:
- reckon, keen and heaps. 

P.S. Happy Anniversary Bubby and Pop!!!!!!

home cooked food, texts, dayquil,